Old On Black
On Black and the Back On Black Tour are focused exclusively on the goal of capturing all of the 173 AKC breeds in the studio on the signature black. The On Black project will result in 7 volumes, one book for each of the breed groups.
The Back on Black Tour, beginning in July 2014, will be a nationwide (including Canada) drive towards this ambitious goal, with dates scheduled wherever we have four or more owners who would like to participate with a studio day. Specific goals of the Back On Black Tour are the completion of the 30 breeds in the Terrier Group and production of the Terriers On Black book. Additionally, we are seeking all other breeds, hoping to make major inroads towards capturing all of the 173 breeds in the studio towards the completion of subsequent On Black volumes. There is no fixed end date to the Back On Black Tour, but the aim is to complete photography for the Terrier Group by the end of 2014 and begin production of that Volume. We invite you to come along, either by participating with a shoot or simply enjoying the images and following the journey on Facebook.
Who & Where
We are hoping to accomplish these ambitious goals through cooperation with breed and kennel clubs nationwide – so wherever you are, check out the participation details, and please get in touch to schedule a date! Dates are immediately available in the Pacific Northwest & British Columbia, with future locations ultimately dictated by where clubs sign up and keeping to moderate weather through the calendar.
How Does it Work?
Organize a group of at least 4 dog owners interested in a studio shoot (breed club, kennel club, owner group), contact Cassie (cassiecelinetaylor@gmail.com / 949.610.5828) or Steve and let them know you would like to schedule a date, make your initial deposit to reserve a space, schedule a date and time slot with Cassie, show up at least 15 minutes early and have fun the day of your shoot, receive your hi-res files and options for at cost prints/products within about a week. Full Participation Details.
The Breed Project recognizes the importance of conformation for the future of each breed, but also that the ‘breed story’ is much larger than just the physical dog. Stylistically, the Breed Project seeks to create images that transcend physical conformation, capturing breed temperament, humor, and personality. The images selected for the book will be dogs of good conformation that capture the essences of each breed – an aesthetic celebration of the diversity across the breeds and the unique personality of each dog within its breed .
Image Selection – On Black Books
Upon completion of each group, the collection of images for each breed will be reviewed by several group judges, each image represented only by an image number as opposed to the dogs name or breeding. Participating judges will be asked to to indicate specific images that they feel represent the breed particularly well with an eye to conformation. Ultimately, the final image selection for each of the group books will be made by Steve, balancing the input of the judges with artistic considerations.