Where We Are
April – September Summary
The Breed Project and Ridgebook are moving into some new territory here. BudWite and I have fixed the schedule through July 2014 and with a little help from the UK we can make it through August. We will spend the next two months (April/May) on a back and forth cross country trip of outdoor shoots with many Ridgies but open to all breeds. In June and July we’ll be in the Pacific Northwest with the DogHouse (mobile studio) doing outdoor shoots for Ridgebacks and studio days for the Terriers on Black project. The studio shoots will be open to all breeds. From there, we hope to be off to the UK for a month of Ridgeback shoots. Will be rounding up this 6 month stretch with studio and agility shoots at the Ridgeback National Specialty in Utah.
Ridgebook Volume I: The schedule and states to be included for Ridgebook Volume I have already changed twice based on California participation. Rather than predict a completion date – I will produce the first volume once we’ve got the right number of shoots for a good book. I am currently planning to re-assess upon completion of the Pacific Time Zone states, the most likely collection of shoots for Volume I. I had originally planned to include all the western state, but have been pleasantly surprised by the great participation – thank you all for that!!
Terriers on Black: Terriers on Black does not have a fixed production timeline, but I would like to have it done by the end of the year. Ultimately the production timeline will be based on when I’m satisfied with the image collection for each terrier breed and when I have gotten all 30 breed photographed, depending on where I have to go to get some of the rarer breeds this might extend the production schedule a bit.
April/May: ‘What About Us?’ Tour
– nationwide tour of outdoor shoots taking in non-western Ridgies and All Breeds. Spaces limited: 30 +/- available
June 1-20: Oregon
– Ridgebook outdoor shoots, Terriers on Black Studio Days (all breed too)
June 20-30: Mt. Hood Mountain Bike Circuit
– BudWite seeking accommodation in the greater Portland area.
July 1-20: Washington & British Colombia
– Ridgebook outdoor shoots, Terriers on Black Studio Days (all breed too)
August: UK Ridgebook Tour
– will be confirmed with interest from across the pond. Same shoot rates and home stays a big help to offset travel expense.
September 5-13: Ridgeback National Specialty
– Studio and Agility Shoots by appointment.